What You Mean To Me

In every way you are the definition of perfection..
For I am blind if there is any flaws.
With a smile so warm it becomes contagious.
Hugs so tight that I know you'll never let go.
And kisses so passionate that I know there is love in the air.

You’re Touch,
You’re Kiss,
It makes me weak at the knees.
You take my breath away with a simple kiss.
I even get lost in your brown eyes.

When it is just you and me, the world is silent.
Nothing else matters.
No one else matters.
Together were entwined you and I.
A love, that is unlike any other.

Speechless, at every word you speak.
Breathless, after every kiss I receive.
Safety, knowing your arms are around me.
Confidence, knowing even distance cannot tear us apart.

For what you mean to me is more than beyond belief.
You mean the world to someone like me.
No one else could dare compare.
You are everything I've wanted and always needed.
Someone who truly cares.

The future is ahead of us babe,
Don't look now, let's not waste our time away.
From a simple "hello" to the words everyone wants to hear.
A friendship became a relationship.
That will last from now until forever.

I love you.<3