irrationally extranious

youre my creator.
please tell me what to do
im so very curious
you talk to me about love but it just does not compute
you say its connections
when we broadcast on the same station
you say its natural like math
but it doesnt add up cannot find an opperation
and as you try i
cannot see how this is rational behavior
and as i ask why
your reply "its just a natural behavior"
this concept of love does not compute
but youre so sure it is absolute
and if im missing something so wonderful, wont you please program me how to feel?
your girlfriend deleted you from her contact list
you havent recharged all night
you tell me youre fine but i know
performance isnt optimal not everything is alright
you tell me im lucky dont have to feel this pain.
not something id like to feel
but i wouldnt know for i have no experience or knowledge to call this opinion real
i wonder will my circut board be the same if i upgraded to feel the way you do
to process feelings and attach them memories, just like you
just like you
and youre my creator
please tell me what to do
im so very curious
you talk to me about love but it just does not compute.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a song i wrote lol... my time signature is weird though