Too Much

She runs to the side
Of the building.
Pulse racing.
Rain drenching her tear-stained face.
No one cared enough
To know that this would happen.
The signs were clear.
She didn't eat,
Couldn't sleep,
And snuck in anti-depressants by the bottle full.

She steps onto the side of the tower.
Waiting for someone to come,
Yelling her name,
Telling her she's loved,
Begging her not to do it.
But she is alone.
And she jumps
With no regrets.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this for a writing project a few months ago. A girl in my group told me it was her favorite, but i didnt like it too much. But ive come to somewhat appreciate it. Its probably the most straight forward poem ive ever written. So yeah, enjoi. :3