She's got her finger wrapped around you way too tight.

You're trying too hard to be different,
you say you're not perfect, and that
you strive to be. You say you have to
get a 92, instead of a 91, when clearly
you are the smartest out of all of us.

You try too hard to be bad ass.
you say you have to practice, and be
the best, you think that's what it takes?
we call you on it, and you flip, you say
you're not trying to be anything, you
are fine being the ''strong person you are.''

You try too hard to be strong.
you think not going to the nurses' office makes
you strong? It makes you nothing but stupid, you
think you can handle anything but you can't.
you just can't.

You try too hard to be on top.
You say you know everything or you turn it on yourself
we spill something and you always have to relate
suddenly you know how it feels because your grandmother
died of cancer. I'm sure that affected you very much, but that
doesn't mean you know how it feels to have your parents
abandon you.

You think you two are so different,
and in reality you are the same person
I never noticed it until now
you complain and you argue and you think
you're so great and you're just her little puppet.
you think not being friends with her makes everything better
but it only makes everything worse. we dumped her thinking
we'd be better off, but we're not, because she's grown on you.

You're the same person as her.

And soon, you're going to be the one we dump.

Because it's getting too much, and you need to stop.