I Just Want

I just want to be there
Listen to you
like there's no tomorrow

I just want to be near you
talk to you
see your face

I just want to see you
in a different way than

I just want to feel that
feeling around the crush
the butterflies

I just want you to know
I'm always there,
and you can always call me.

I just want to apologize
and say sorry over and over
and just be on your good side

I just want to
know everything is okay
even if we, ourselves, are not

I just want to talk to you
like an addiction
you are my pill

I just want to know
how to describe it without
using romance or anything

I just want to know the truth
do you want me in your life
or not?

I just want to know,
because this rollercoaster I'm on,
isn't working too well.

I just want to ask,
But I'm a coward,
and you shall never know.