Essential Question

What happens,
when people stop caring,
when the truth turns to pain
when you can't trust anyone?
Nothing would make sense.
Friends you thought you knew,
would end up stabbing you in the back.
What happens,
If you have the best day of your life,
If war didn't exist,
If love and hope dwelled,
where death normally would?
Everyone would be successful,
and business would flourish.
People would be given second chances ..
Second heartbeats.
~ Two sides of the world clash,
to make the one we live in today.~
Positive and Negative.
Right and Wrong.
Light and Dark.
They cancel each other out;
To create the balance,
we seek and possess.
What happens,
when one side over-rides the other?
♠ ♠ ♠
My friend looked at me after reading this, and she said, " Don't get smart on me now."
I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult ..