It's Not You, It's Me

And here I stand, dumbstruck, stupid.
Enticed by Aphrodite, shot by Cupid.
Thinking about you, knowing you're not thinking about me.
Things are just as one sided as they'll ever be.
It's like everyone with your name is better by association.
Your praise has become an intoxication, your insult a laceration.
I hope you never read these words, but you will because I'm weak.
I'm waiting for love to be won over by the meek.
At least I'm hopeful now, that's more then I could ever say.
I'm not living healthy, but I'm living day by day.
Don't make this about you, don't make it about him.
Close the door, the windows, shut myself in.
It's not as bad as I'm making it, it's not so bad at all.
All I'm really hoping for is somebody to catch me when I fall.