What is life like?!

It brings you down.
It takes your smile and turns it to a frown.

Take the sadness and turn it into happiness.
Itʼs a better emotion,
To feel happy rather than sad.

Love is just loving.
Out of all the bodyʼs feelings,
Love is my favorite.
I feel it for ʻhimʼ.
I feel it for my mom,
And my wonderful friends.

Itʼs something we all have.
Something that gives us all these emotions,
We feel every moment and day of our lives.
It needs to bring us food,
Bring us water.
And also bring us the people we come to love.

Friends are some of the people we love.
Theyʼre the people that are there for us,
There for us,
When weʼre not with our family.

The people weʼve lived with for our entire lives.
We come to love them as well,
But they do get under our skin,
When being around them,
Almost every day of your life.