Go Hump a Dead Cow

All these years,
I've been the shoulder to cry on
The one person you call at 4am
I constantly make sure that everyone is okay,
Never once has someone thanked me
I've never complained,
Because what are friends for?
But now the tables have turned,
I'm the one in need
All of a sudden,
You all think you're too good to help me
I'm a big girl though,
I can handle pain on my own
Just know this;
When your 'friends' leave you,
When your 'forever' with him ends,
No longer will I be there with open arms
I can honestly say,
I don't give a rat's vagina about what you do anymore
Now when I see you,
All I can think of is how much you've changed...
Just wow
Toodaloo motherfuckerss
You all can go hump a dead cow