Through the Child's Eyes

She watches as puddles form from the rain
Thinking of it's significance.
She knows she isn't a normal child
For when the rain turns the world grey
She finds it beautiful
While other children cry when they can't go out to play.
She is a quiet child
Always deep in thought
Shy and secluded
Wise and intelligent
Thus creating her own little world
Where children play in rain
And sunshine is no more.
Where skies are always cloudy
Temperature cooled by wind
And the blanket of moist grey
Can beautify the world once again.
Her brown eyes scan the sky
Wishing she could be the rain that fell from it.
Wishing to have that excitement in her life.
While everyone else is just creating noise
She sits and thinks
Creating nothing but the sound
Of a child's imagination running wild.
Nothing but the sound of sweet silence fills her ears.
Nothing but the sophistication of an elder is seen.
There is nothing this child limits her mind to.
As she blocks out the outer noise.
Nothing can make this child cry more
Than the sounds that ruin sweet silence's lullaby.