
I am a puppet

I am on strings
You make me cry

You make me scream
You twist me around

I fall to the ground
I look for warmth in many places

I only see familiar faces
I search for excitement, I strive

Just something small to feel alive
My mind is lost

My body, numb
My thoughts aren’t mine

I am a shell, I cannot rhyme
My train of thought is quite off track

My eyes grow tired, attack attack
You see me here

You don’t drive near
You leave me to burn

Then take your turn
Spin me around,
I am on strings

Bring me down, the worst of things
I try to hide

To run and cry
I hurt, I hurt, I hurt.
I am small and insignificant

I am ugly and I’m in pain
No one helps

No one cares
For you all feel your own pain.