A Vampire's Lament

Stalking the night,
Threw the streets of Rome,
I was to hunt,
Another night alone,
I could taste it already,
The sweetness of blood,
I wanted a woman tonight,
Not a child, a dud,
To feel the breasts,
Heaving under me,
Feel the struggle,
The struggle to be free,
To feel the warmth,
I once had,
The touch of that skin,
Would surely make me glad?
I knew who I wanted,
I stalked her many a time,
I’m sure I can get her,
For I am nothing more than a mime,
Someone who dresses up,
Entertains others,
Taking their money,
Searching for lovers,
Black hair on her head,
Pale white skin,
Heavily chested,
Yet she was so thin,
Eyes like rubies,
Glowing at night,
Lips like raspberries,
Always so bright,
I had it ready,
The plan was set,
Track her down,
Somewhere she would not fret,
She was there in my arms,
Mouth to her neck,
Kissing her gently,
Thinking it would be a peck,
The blood flowed freely,
Down threw my veins,
Into my organs,
Into my mains,
I thrusted her to the wall,
Breaking her poor back,
Screaming for help,
We were down a desolate track,
Her body grew weak,
My hunger fed,
OMG what have I done?
This beautiful woman is dead,
I’m going out of my mind,
She was the one for me,
The one I was set on,
To be with for an eternity,
Her body crumbled,
Only a heap,
Screaming to myself,
All I could do was weep,
Again I would be alone,
I had gone too far,
I busied myself with things,
Like sitting in a bar,
I couldn’t carry on,
I didn’t want to be sad,
The sun was up soon,
What am I thinking, I must be mad,
Why did I want to die?
I am already dead,
Like poor Marie,
But at least I have a bed,
I can not go on,
I shall leave this place,
The sun will come up,
Burnt will be my face,
The sun will give me,
One last kiss,
Before my body,
Explodes with a hiss.