Breathing - For the Surfers

Swirling green fish on her sandals
Flipping through tiny mountains
Of stones, crushed dust
Beneath the ocean waves
Now washed up top the land
To lie beneath her toes
She waits and she watches
Though he never knows
For everyday he surfs the waves
Gliding though the blue
She sits upon the yellow ground
Watching tried and true

Green ferns and flowers grow
A top her tiny suit
Curling into the sand below
As she lays out in the glow
A sun goddess glowing bright
But he has still not noticed
With the oceans in his sight

Waves of falling drops
Slap endlessly into slippery cliffs
Stone bluffs carved through ages
Built by the hands of the sea
And each and every time he knows
The water will flow back
Back, back out to sea
Into the horizon
Where it will always be

She watches too
As the ocean conducts the land
Each wind gust in time with water’s sweep
Each tree limb palm in time with the crash
Of white foam into the sand
Each shell thrust onto the land
As the ash of the island keeps breathing
Each long breath of sea
Walking down the boarder line
Of endless breathing beads

She reaches out to the sea
With open, wide spread arms
To take him back to reality
Though wishing him no harm
He watches every breath of life
She sits there patiently
Wishing just once he would look around
And finally her, he’d see