
So lost in this world. Numb, thats what i feel,
you, you are confused, about what i am to you,
but i dont understand, how you can be, confused that is,

I can feel myself backing away,
away from everyone, away from you.
Away from this feeling, that i used to call home.

Scared, i dont know anymore.
but i dont believe i am, not anymore that is.
Im not even angry, not at you,
not at me. Not even at her.

Although she is happily oblivious, to what you feel,
or what you could feel, So long, iv been oblivious too.
To think that everything might turn back to normal.
One picture, of you and her, once made me wonder,
but i never thought it could really be.

They say that i deserve better.
But what is better then, me being happy.
I was you know, Happy with you.
How could i not?

So much running through my head,
thoughts, regrets, almost no hope.
Even though i know her knew her very well actually,
It hurts, almost, Ive seen you since,
just once, and now i believe, that i can let go.

Because perhaps, im not the same,
or is it you, who is not the same,
We are not the same, I dont think we will ever
be together again, our time has past.

I believe its time, to stop being numb,
to open my eyes, and then maybe,
i can fly away.
♠ ♠ ♠
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