The End

I miss her voice calling my name
Even if she says it once more
It will never be the same
I miss everything I had before

Before I decided to test the limits of love
I miss running my fingers through her hair
Whilst at every moment praising the above
I miss knowing that someone will always care

And pick me up when I was falling to pieces
I miss the warm smile upon her face
Or the laugh that would come when the sorrow ceases
I miss knowing that love was no longer a dream I would chase

Because I knew every day I could wake up with a smile
For I would be seeing the girl that lit up my life
I miss being able to say that my depression is in exile
Only now, it has returned while my life has this endless strife

I miss the feeling I thought was special
Or the simple joy of staring into her meadows called eyes
And feeling her touch that was ever so gentle
I miss thinking that all her words were not lies

That maybe this thing called love could be real
And maybe I was finally lucky enough to experience this joy
I miss not having these scars that will never heal
Because I had some I could call my girl, whilst I was her boy

I miss her worried look when she saw I was down
And how quickly she created joy within my heart
But now, all I know how to do is cry and frown
Because that same girl has torn my heart apart

I miss being able to say that I was complete
That I could finally trust someone with my core
I used to believe that love was an impossible feat
But now I see, that trust is a journey I have yet to explore

Because now I feel so empty without a heart
Something I miss so dearly, now that it’s gone
For the sunshine in my life has decided to part
And venture toward the allure of the new dawn

Leaving me screaming for freedom from the inside
Weeping as I watch the dusk become dismantled
And thrown into an abyss arranged as a place to hide
Like an emotion that has been needlessly mishandled

Or an ego that had been stroked for much too long
Until it was given that nothing is as real as it seems
That a love, even if it may be perceived as strong,
Is just a feeling that resides within a fool’s dreams

For love, no matter how mighty it is perceived
Holds the levity of a feather in the eyes of those who have been in love’s riot
No matter in which way it is created or received
Love holds the strings of two conjoined like the strings of a puppet

And contorts them in ways that they never believed possible
Making each into a hollow shell of what they once were
A lifeless being with half a heart and half a heart of shrapnel
I miss the days when I was able to hold half her heart

The days when I knew where my life would lead me
And the words of love my heart would always allow
But now, this exaggerated emotion I once felt, I must bury.
As I venture toward the new light, I must take my final bow.

Upon the stage of life, I must make my exit
But before this, I must make a final vow
With great regret, I must choke my words to admit
That I hold fear for where my heart shall lead me now

Deep into the darkness without a hand to hold
Or above the light where the flying whales lie
For this thing called love residing within my heart, I have sold.
To the giver of life and strife, who shall allow this emotion to finally die.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt like I needed to add a note at the end of this poem to explain why I've been so down lately. I recently broke-up (she did it, before anyone asks) with my first girlfriend of four months in a really bad way (over the phone), and she told me many things that indicated she still had a profound feeling for me, but she wasn't going to follow it, which hurts, a lot. Yet, as I look back on these past weeks, I feel as if they have made me stronger than I have ever been in my life.