Poem #9

As I stand here before you all
Don't remember me at all when i make my fall
Don't look back at what I did
Don't bring up the things I hid
Don't bring me up in a conversation with your friend's
I'm sorry I didn't even try to make amend's
I'm sorry I wasn't who you wanted me to be
I'm sorry I'm not the perfect guy you wanted to see
I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you or your family
I'm sorry my horrid face shame's your beauty
I'm sorry for the moments i made you feel crudely
I'm sorry im existent
I'm sorry I'm not dormant
I'll leave your life forever if that's what you truly desire
I'll stop and never think about you or admire
Just remember the things I said to you i really meant them
If I am lying I shall stand before God and be condemned
The Death I will soon be having is for the lie's i made before you
You just acknowledging my existence is the greatest thing you will ever do
You forever I have only been thinking of
So I stand before God and tell him "It is her, I will always love"