poem #11 dedicated to my mother

I love how you were there when you brought me to life and stayed
I love it how you are there for me with aid
I love it how we fight a lot but get through them all
I love it how your there when I'm down or catch me when I fall
I love it no matter what I do or say your still there with opening arms and love
I love it that you have so much love, something you will never be empty of
I love it how I could go to you when I cry or when I'm down
I love it how even though I used to be depressed you always brought a smile to my frown
I love it as I'm thinking of this right now I'm crying a lot because of this
I love it how all the memories I have with you I love to reminisce
I love it how life hasn't taken you away from me
I love it how on anything we can agree
I love all the things you do
I love it how no matter how many time's I say it I never will stop saying I love you