The Smiling Masquerade

No one truly knows,
Who I am, because I don’t want them too

No one knows of my addiction to Cutting,
Because I refuse to tell

No one knows of my sadistic side,
Because they don’t know I am messing with their minds

No one can see my Tears,
Because it’s hiding behind my smiling face

No one senses my Fears,
Because it’s hiding behind my brave face

No one can see how smart I really am,
Because that’s hiding behind my ‘Hey, I’m stupid!’ act

No one can see I’m losing my sanity,
Because, I simply don’t want you to know

No one can see what’s really going on in my mind,
It’s far to disturbing and disgusting for you

Behind all of this though,
Is a scared little girl with no one to go for comfort

No one to love her,
No one to hold her,
No one to protect her,
No one to help her

Until someone call see through this Smiling Masquerade,
Until then... I will continue my Smiling Masquerade,
But it might be too late, because the Darkness might’ve already consumed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just an old Poem, one of my very first ones too.