Twenty-four Minutes of Terror

Look left, look right, look back behind you.
Panic, panic, you feel a chill run up your spine.
You’re completely frightened, trying not to step right through insanity’s doors.
The light starts to fade from the sky above, and the sun sinks behind the horizon.
Soon, you can’t even see your own hands, trembling down by your sides.
You try to look up to the stars to guide you through your most desperate hour.
Your strained ears seem to pick up even the slightest sounds, coming from every direction.
You’re so immersed in fear that you’re unable to choke out the words “help.”
In hopes someone, somewhere will hear your pleas.
Cold tears are streaming down your cheeks, completely helpless you have become.
Wrapped in confusion you begin to run around, breaking out in hysterics.
You must have tripped and fallen; all of a sudden you’re on the ground, unable to get up.
Your feelings of terror mixed with confusion have left you paralyzed.
Your imagination starts to take over as you struggle to grab hold of reality.
You find yourself just wanting to disappear,
And reappear back in your warm home, forgetting this ever happened.
Out of nowhere you see a dim light appear far out in the distance,
It seems to be dancing; bobbing up and down.
Your think you’re going insane.
You rub your eyes with your supposedly invisible hands and get up.
The fear just seemed to melt away.
Your probing curiosity draws you toward the light,
You feel a rush of happiness; someone has come to save you!
A figure seems to appear next to the dancing light, calling your name softly.
Finally; your twenty-four minutes of terror are over.

...Or so you think.
