Untitled 3?

This cliche teenage heart beats faster at the thought of you, it bursts with frenzied elation at the sight of your name, the image of your face, and the sound of your voice.
So quiet, so calm, so secret, deep, a quixotic mystery of soul and mind.
I want to know you. I want to drown in your presence, & I crave your spiritual essence.
I want to fall into the darkest cavern in your foreign mind. I desire to explore the uncharted territory of your skin & then go down--not physically, but still just as intimately. I want to find the you within.
Whisper to me softly, sweetly, all of your fears. I'll fight them all away if you only promise to hold me close to your side and don't ever turn away from me.
Admittedly, I'm not too great to deal with, I have a voice that clangs & crashes through beautiful silence. The words that drip from my tongue draw tales of enraged violence. But if only you would trust me, know me, save me, my jagged edges & angry thorns may dull and soften.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no clue what the hell happened with this freaking poem.
It just sort of turned into something entirely its own and I'm very lost and quite confused.
But none the less...I hope you enjoy it? Or at the very least...that its strangeness amuses you.

Also, this is a semi-unfinished poem--an alternate version will be available in a "journal" entry.