To Sides Of Love

Why won't he come?
Where did he go?
He stays away,
But i love him so........

I tell it to myself,
I really don't need him,
I say it in the late night,
When all hopes go grim.

But it isn't true,
It's for him i yearn,
I hate doing this,
Stupid heart, when will you learn?!

They aren't worth it,
They only hurt you,
The work of the devil,
Is what boys do!

My heart will learn,
That when they strut,
All they want from you,
Is to be a slut!

What're these words,
coming from my mouth,
Love is worth it,
My hopes WON'T go south!!
♠ ♠ ♠
i wrote this after being rejected by a guy i'd been crushing on for over a year......... at first the last stanza didn't exist............ i wrote it after i found a guy who made me realize that not ALL guys're jerks.... COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!