Gossamer Feathers

In the trials of life one must find a love to lift the burden

In my long and struggled journey,
I took solace in God's favored angel,
Her voice,
Echoed through my head,
and nested in my heart.

I reached to stroke her wing,
Finer than gossamer and smoother still,
Her face,
Nestled in my hand,
and pressed to mine.

But alas was I struck down,
By a maker so envious,
Her dress,
Silk and satin,
tingles to the touch.

This unsuited suitor,
Who so cruelly cast me from my angle's grace,
And denied my pleas to gaze upon her face,
Cast me from my perch,
And shut me away....

I still see her in my dreams,
Laying in my briery bed,
I still hear her songs,

As the king of sleep descends upon me she visits me,
Cloaked in black,
Draped in mystery,

Her king knows not,
That she sees a wretch every night,
Merciful and kind,
Keeps me alive,
gives me hope.

One day I shall rise from these shackles,
And take what is mine,
Wedding bells and swan trumpets,
sweet spring air,
mine forever.

But for now... I think I shall sleep.