
I never even considered what it would be like
Because I thought it would never happen
But losing you is one of the hardest things.
I feel so empty.
So lonely.

I mean, it's not like I'll never see you again
Bu it feels like it.
I hate this, I hate all of it.
Most of all, though
I hate you.
No, that's not the truth.
How could I ever?

I guess we needed this break.
No two people can be so close for so long.
It had to end some time.

Now it's over.
I hate not seeing your name
Your cheeky comments
Even your lovey-dovey remarks.
They always annoyed me, you know.

You say you don't trust me.
I love that one incrimination could erase
Everything we had.

Go ahead - enjoy each other.
You only needed my reassurance until
You found each other.
Don't come crying to me, though
When you need to find yourselves.

It's up to you.
You want no conflict, so I'll go.
I'll ache in private
Remembering everything I did for you
And everything you did for me.
We'll go our separate ways,
And you'll get your share of friends
And I'll get mine.
You'll have her and him and all of the best ones.

And you can keep that one.
The one that caused all of this
Out of spite and jealousy.
You can have that so called friend
Because they're not one of mine.

And I'll take the others
The rest of our dysfunctional family:
The gossips.
The group you feel I so belong to.

I'll wallow, you know.
I'll sit on my own, listening to everything
Except you.
Spew your pet names at each other.

I'll keep my interests
You'll keep yours.
There'll be no more friendly banter
About music or literature.
You'll keep your opinions
And I'll keep mine.

Maybe this time apart will make you realise
Just how good I was
And badly I meant it when I said I was sorry.
You'll learn to trust me again
Because that's just who you are.

We'll go our separate ways;
Your side of the world and mine -

Now I'm back to being myself.
The lonely, quiet one.
On my own.
When people ask me who my best friend is
I'll point to you and say
'He used to be'.

Now I have no best friend.
You're no friend of mine