Can't Change Me

You can’t break me,

I’m already broken.

You can’t fix me,

There’s nothing to fix.

You can watch Degrassi,

While I eat some pie.

Go dye your hair bleach blond and lie,

While I pierce my own ears,

And not even cry.

You talk during movies,

Get thrown out the door.

While I run rampant,

In large grocery stores.

I live in the moment,

Loving my youth.

When you turned 10,

You gave up the truth.

I put on eyeliner,

And then eat some cake.

While you blot out your whole face,

To make you look fake.

You date some guy,

You’ve never talked to before.

While I hang out with the ones,

Who called you a whore.

Your life slips past your skin,

And I can’t win at sports.

You wear a tank top,

And really short shorts.

I’ll wear some band-tee,

Maybe Black Veil Brides.

While you listen to JB,

And then you fake cry.

I sit in my room,

Writing this poem for you,

I didn’t need this prayer,

I’m not one to blame.

I may be in love with madness,

But your life is lies and sadness.

I’ll look like a large rock,

In a black river.

And you can look pastel,

Wearing colors that make me shiver.

This is what makes me happy,

I dare you to try and change me.

You’ll be trying,

Till your dead or eighty.

Sometime they’ll give up,

Call me emo some more.

And I’ll watch cartoons,

And then run in the rain.

I carry no shame,

I am definitely insane.

Please go eat some croutons,

While I play video games.

I’ll eat seven pizzas,

While you fall in ‘love’.

And when he dumps you,

I will say I told you so.

You make my friends hurt,

I’ll kill you at worst.

I’m not afraid of fear.

I don’t shed many tears.

None of us are perfect,

You’ll learn through the years.

When you’re thirty-seven,

With 800 cats,

You’ll wish you had waited,

Like I had at last.

For now,

I’ll save love for later,

And curse all the haters.

Because I’m sick off this lovey mush.

I have my celebrity crushes,

But don’t we all?

These are just phases,

I’ll let them pass by.

And all of these preppy girls,

Still wonder why,

The wolf howls at midnight,

Or why babies cry.

I’ve thought long and hard about the subjects at hand.

And no one will change me,

Because nobody can.