Her first word was da-da

Her first word was Da-Da,
But Da-da never cared.

She was always forgotten
at the store;
abandoned at
school and ballet practice,
forgotten for hours after her
lessons or when
shopping were finished.

No one ever wanted to
play with her;
not her siblings,
peers; family.
Even her da-da
too busy
with work and her baby
brother and

She loved her da-da,
but he never had time
for her.
A familiar stranger
living in the same
house, she wanted
know him
and him
her. But she
never got the

At school she was
harrased for not talking.
The teachers
worried but she didnt
care; why
should she?

And still Da-da doesnt notice
still forgets her.
At sixteen she hangs

Her first word was da-da,
but da-da never cared.