The Pressure To Be Perfect

The Bullies words have finally gotten to you; staining your heart with an emptiness.
He’ll never like you unless you change who you are.
Everyone’s words feeling as though they’re suffocating you.

Putting on a façade that you’re doing okay
Readying yourself to give up the fight; ‘cause it’s killing you from the inside.
Even when you’re in a crowded room, you feel as though you’re alone.
Society telling us that if you’re over a size zero you’re over-weight
Skipping meals to try to get thinner
Unsure of the true beauty within
Rejection being your only fear
Eager to be someone else

The truth is, you’ll never be enough.
Over-caking the make-up so you don’t have to be you for a little while.

Being afraid of the weighing scale
Everything feeling like it’s the end of the world

Pushing everyone away
Every inch of your body feeling like a flaw
Reality feeling like an immortal sin
Filled with so much hatred
Everyone is silently fighting a battle within themselves, and sometimes all they need is someone to say, ‘You’re beautiful don’t change.’
Crying alone in your room, because you feel as though you are an outcast
The mirror can lie, it doesn’t tell you what’s inside. Imperfection is beauty. It just takes people who are blinded by the heart to see that.
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Don't fall into society's trap into believing you're not good enough, because you are. Never forget, you are lovely, and heavenly and you do not need to change who you are. You need to know, you're beautiful as you are. You're worth way more than this world's got to offer.