When My Circle Broke

And one day I found myself lost
I found nothing but memories of the past
I found some letters torn and scattered
I found myself a viewer from the outside

I found myself screaming with no sound
I found myself crying with no tears
I found myself dying a million deaths inside
Like my heart and soul are being ripped apart

And one day I didn’t find my way back
One day I couldn’t even hear my thoughts
Like my life was a movie and I was watching
Watching just from the outside with no role

One day I found myself losing control
One day I found myself completely alone
I’m surrounded by doors and windows but all are closed
And no matter how hard I try I couldn’t find my way out

Life was always like the highway to me
From destination to the other but never in between
Always missing out always feeling left out
Always running in circles around myself

But one day that circle broke
And I knew that day it’ll never be the same again
But if I knew before what my life would now be like
I never would’ve let go in the first place

If I knew my smile would be my last
If I knew I would never feel your touch again
If I knew that everything I had would no longer be there
I wouldn’t have taken it all for granted like this

I wouldn’t have let go of the only thing keeping me sane
I wouldn’t have denied feelings so plain to see
I wouldn’t have walked out of your life
Then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck in this place

And I know losing you was my mistake
Like I know that I’ll forever have to live paying for it
And I know that all those people walking out of my life
Was because of how badly I pushed them away

But I also know that crying won’t get anything back
And the only option I have now is to move on
I could’ve never imagined that the day my circle broke
Would be the wakeup call I’d needed for so long

Regrets, we all have those
Mistakes, we all made plenty
We all have times where we stoop so low
And times where we wish we could just end our life

We all lost things because we held on too strong
We all lost things because we didn’t hold on to it at all
We all lost people sometimes it’s theirs sometimes our fault
But the key is to find the reason and move on

That who never made mistakes has never lived
That who doesn’t have regrets has never felt
But those who had both and never learned
Are the most unfortunate of them all….