Don't Cry

Everything is so hard again
Like your life is being pulled away
Out of your control
You try
It doesn't matter if you bleed
But don't you ever cry

There is nothing you can do, again
And you always feel like breaking down
But don't quit now
Weakness brings more pain

Hold you tongue
Hold your head high
It doesn't matter if your heart slips away
It's only ever going to be
Something lost to you anyway

You have to be strong again, like before
Where everything was against you
But you could take the strain
Why can't you anymore
Why is every single moment of you life
Spent in desperation or in vain

You'll take the torture, beg for it
As long as it stops yourself from remembering
These struggles leave their scars and marks
That never heal
Never fade
They only cut in deeper as time goes by
And everything important
Once again it's gone
Locked inside some memory, now
Where it must belong

Would it be so hard to tell them
That you can't do this alone
That every time you falter
You just want to turns and leave
But home has forgotten you
And your fears are drenched in shame
Hidden by the soulless thunder
And thickened by the rain

Everything has been so hard
But its made you who you are
Even if your heart is cold and shattered to the core
Its better than feeling

You have to learn to be strong
Or in the process, die...

Bite your tongue so you won't whimper
Keep your head held high
It doesn't matter how much you bleed
But you are not allowed to-


Don't cry