Silent Tears

Tears are always rolling down my cheeks,
Tears that no one can see

And yet, when no one is around,
they fall without consent so freely

That my cries go unheard,
my wails echo all around me like a waterfall,
And not a single person will ever see me like that

Perhaps I like it that way, and probably do,
but I feel so utterly alone after I'm done

And it is to the point where it's completely unbearable,
Yet that is the only time I can grieve properly

Where I can let out my sorrow,
without hiding it with a forced smile

Where I can cry much more freely then being around others,
because I can forget about everything expect you

My most precious person,
the one I feel so lost without

But rest in peace,
you will always been in my heart,
and I will love you forever and ever

♠ ♠ ♠
Honestly - this is exactly how I feel. Three have passed since my Grandma has passed away and yet it only feels like a not even a day has passed.