The Morning Dew

When you are feeling down,
Don’t think of the past,
because the past is just that,
the past

So, please
Don’t look towards the Light,
Don’t look towards the Dark,
Look forward to the Morning Dew

And, please
Don’t give up if those silent screams of yours,
Go unheard by those that matter the most to you,
‘Cause I’m right beside you

Willing to put myself through thick and thin for you,
Because that’s what friends are for,

If not,
Then I obviously don’t know anything about,

But, please
Just know I’ll always try to be by your side,
Even if it may seem like I’m walking away,
I am struggling to keep hold of myself as the days pass by

I will forever and always,
and treasure all of our times together

But, most of all,
I will Cherish,
Care and treasure you,
My friend.