Faith's Journey

So scared of the future,
Don't want life to pass.
But if we can't stop moving forward,
What's the point in holding back?

Looking for the answers,
Inside every space...
Knowing in our hearts
That truth won't stay in place.
We only live through new beginnings;
Rebirth demands an end.
So although we like to think it,
Perfection isn't ours to tend.

For sure, it's hard to fathom:
Once we leave we can't come back.
But please don't refrain from changes,
You wouldn't want this day to last.

Somewhere in us, there's strength.
We're faster than the race.
But we've never tried to run it,
So we're feeling out of place.

But we can't loose our faith now,
I'll keep mine close to me.
'Cause faith's the key that fits the lock -
The lock that breaks to set us free.

So scared of the future,
We don't want life to pass.
But if we're never moving,
What's the point in looking back?
♠ ♠ ♠
I got the idea for this from some lyrics I wrote a few years ago. It turned out to be like my philosophy in a nutshell! The weird thing is that it ended up sounding almost religious, even though that's not what I had in mind at all.