Life Gets Better

Life Gets Better

Its not whats happing then
Its whats happing now

No one can tell you who to be
You choose what you want to be

All they care about is how you look
True friends care about how you are

Stick and stones is what they all say
Tanks and guns is what it feel likes

Giving up feeds the pain and bully
Standing up feeds the strenght and the victum

Dont stand around
Speak up for what you believe

Never let anyone fall
Even if they are complete strangers

Remember this is just high school 
It gets better

Death seems like the only way
Theres more to life then kids

They all say god hates you
But god loves everyone

Never let them put you down
Stand up shake off the dust and laugh

Never fight fire with fire
You would just get hurt worse

They say tell the teacher they will help
It all truths it never helps just backfires

Have some one to call for help
They will always have your back
No matter what

Trust me 
Life will get better