What I am is

You'd think I'm a happy person
You think I would be something 
Truthfully what I am really
What I am is basically..... Nothing

I am not a gift, and yet not a curse 
I am not something you hold
But I'm greater than life, and worse than death
I'm not something that makes you bold

I am the feeling you feel inside
When you have lost someone you love
I am the word that haunts you 
And the emptiness that soars above

I have no heart, not even a soul
I'm that word you say to your friends
when you don't want your friends to worry at all
When your life is just at it's end

I'm the thing men fear, when girls are around
I'm the thing that puts poor people down
I am the thing, that rich people need
But when you have me, you'll always frown

When everything dies, I will be left
To start the world from me
And when you stare at the darkest night
I am what you always see

You listen to me, when your all alone
You hear me from dusk til dawn
I'm the only thing you have to lose
But when you find someone, I'll be gone