Ferris Wheel Ride

I was told before, that life is like a ferris wheel
It has it's ups, and it's downs
What goes up must come down
but what comes down must go up
Evenutally though something will stop your ride
Whatever that may be it will get in your way
And the ride will be over
I suppose thats another term for dying
Once you get off the ferris wheel of life
You never get back on
For awhile the other riders will be sad,
And grieve your lose
But soon they'll become caught up in their own ride
And forget all about you
In a sense this is what really happens
People cry, and scream about how unfair life is,
Because you're no longer there
but then all is well again
And it's as if you were never there
but i know this is not true
It's all a show
No matter how long ago the event happened
They don't stop hurting, and they don't forget
You think they move on, and they do; a little bit
But everyday there's a moment in their time,
that reminds them of you
So dont think you're forgotton
Don't think we threw out all of your memories
Cause I can guarentee that we sure as heck haven't