Internal Battles

Inside out, based on the accusations
Filled with hate from previous devastations
Curled up silently, in nothing but despair
Eyes glued shut, because life isn’t fair.

Hollow inside, like an internal void
The absence of happiness, all evidence destroyed
The gateway to hell, pried open by my mistakes
Letting all hell break loose, internal outbreaks

Bordering on the line of reality and insanity
Dancing back and forth to avoid feeling empty
Standing my ground as my world crumbles around me
Keeping my head held high, so no one else can see.

If this isn’t hell, then I am not real.
I do not cry because I do not feel.
If this isn’t hell, then I am unknown.
I am but a spirit cursed to live on her own.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks for reading. :)