The story of a Girl

once a girl so whole,
she just lost all control
she has so much to live for
but this pain is to much to ignore
she pretends to be tough
now thats just not enough
maybe she loved him a little to much
but to him she was nothing but lust
she cant go on another day
for him this is all just a game
he enjoys to play
she thinks of the babies
and how they will feel
then she wishes they could make a deal
or she could find a way to heal
she wishes the pain would faid
like the bruises on her face
and become nothing more
then a memory of her painfull past
but this is a different pain
it will last and last
now all she has left to do
is pick up the glass
and swollow the pills
it eases the pain
but makes her feel compleatly insane
she thinks about the two she is leaving behind
it kills her that he doesnt seem to mind
he ignored her cries
and breaks her down with his lies
now there she lays
overdosed on the bathroom floor
in her leg she carved his name
now it can be seen very plain
to bad he couldnt see
what love could truly be
now its to late
she only wanted to take a few
but the whole bottle was gone before she knew
she thought for sure
he would come rescue her
take her up in his big strong arms
and kiss her one last time
instead she sat alone crying
knowing that she was dieng
she was leaving behind everything
for someoneshe ment nothing to
the saddest part of my story
its about me and you...
♠ ♠ ♠
one of my first poems