Im a lover, Your a fighter.

Im a lover
Your a runner
and we go round and round
Im a quitter
Your a fighter
and we go round and round

You start the fire
I love the flame
You like to start the fight
I run away
I cry at simple things
You break down on uneven means
We're so much alike but so different
The world spins when im your arms
But you boy always break my heart
We are so close, but So far apart....

Im a lover
Your a runner
and baby we go round and round
Im a quitter
Your a fighter
and we go round and round

I'd give up my heart, my soul, my life
If only it meant more night
But one more night
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing again, one more night with you
So if you must leave, Leave me be
But if you stay, please listen to me
If you must steal, steal away my heart
If you must lie, Lie with me at night
If you must cheat, Cheat death...

Im a lover
Your a lover
Im a quitter
Your a fighter
We and go round and round.....

No matter what happens in this life
Know you always have the first right to my heart
I always be your friend through and through
and Boy I'll always love you
Your my angel, Your my life
You guide me through my darkest nights
Your the wings that help me fly
You are my very reason why

Im a lover
Your a lover
Lets not run anymore
Im a fighter
Your a fighter
but lets not fight this
Cuz im your lover
Your my lover