Without Wings

I sit in front of a big window,
staring out at a city with a bitter heart.
My eyes have run dry
and my throat aches from all the sobs.
I am starting to loose my faith
in these pitiful people who live so ignorant.
I walk out to my balcany
and stand on the railing.
So high up the city is but a blur,
and my ears want to hear the songs of heaven.
I untie my hair and let it flow in the wind.
Why had I tried so hard to continue on?
Without my wings I am nothing.
Nothing but a hallow shell filled with anger and sadness.
I close my eyes and I know no tears will come.
My heart is dying, slow and sure.
I open my mouth and let out a scream.
A scream of anger, hate and vengence.
In a flash my eyes are open and
my arms are spread wide.
I tilt forward and soon I'm falling.
Hah....are you happy now?
Is this what you wanted when you took my wings?
Well this is the damn outcome.
My death, my suicide.
What a sweet bitter end.
I close my eyes as the ground nears.
Goodbye. . . . . .