To feel loved.

I just want to feel loved,
But isn’t that the goal of millions of others?
I just want to be held,
When you’re feeling down that’s all you want,
To feel needed, wanted, welcome.
You need that feeling,
It’s an addiction.
And when you get your wish,
You’ll never want it to stop.
But sometimes people will say one thing
And do another,
And if that thing they do takes away that loved feeling you get,
Your left alone in the coldness of being unloved.
I’ll never fully understand why people want to be in love so bad,
I mean all it ever causes is heartache and well,
A very messed up state of mind.
Now I’m not judging people that want to be in love,
I mean there are days where there is nothing I wouldn’t give for that feeling,
That feeling that you are their whole world, the feeling of if you weren’t there in they’re life, their “being” would just crumble away into nothingness.
But it just never comes; I’m never loved as much as I would’ve wanted.
So was that WHOLE day of wanting…no needing to feel loved wasted?
I feel as if it was,
But no matter how much I tell myself I don’t need it,
I always crave it; it’s like a sickness.
And some days I want it so bad I hate myself, I hate myself for wanting such a dumb thing so bad, but I can’t help it.
And then some nights I’ll cry myself to sleep, because I want that feeling so bad.
I despise myself for being like everyone else, and how they...WE crave to be loved,
But I say its human nature, yet I still hate myself for feeling like this.