When the Sun Goes Down

when the sun goes down
No one made a sound
Scared of the night
Thoughts filled with fright
People scurring to get there
As children watched in fear
Men banging on doors
Trying to alert all the whores
A mans siluet was seen in the distance
Well all of the professors are saying for instance
The man screamed on the top of his lungs
In an ear splitting cry of another tongue
as the wind blew
the man ran threw
causing babies to wail
And a grown man to drop a pail
Daring young men spring to fight
But they instantly lose their might
The man continued running
because he was sly and cunning
The man got threw the town
As the fighting started to die down
All the noise seemed to seece
Thank goodness to say the least
It sucks beyond belief but what ever
♠ ♠ ♠
I know spelling mistakes and all that but I really don't feel like fixing it now.