Just Like She Did

I'm scared that I'm going to fall for you
and your going to pull me in..
Just like she did..
I'm scared I'm going to under take my war path
to a different ground
but the same battle..
I'm scared I'm going to cry of you
just like she made me.
I'm scared your going to crack me..
and then see me go down jut like before
just like she did.
But what can I do?

I see myself wondering down the same path but yet I thrive for the site of you.. the smell of you.. the anxiety of your words fumbling from your lips unto mine.

I see your older..
I wanna grasp on.
I let go fast
aiming for new love
that you don't know of..
Hoping to find something before you hold on tight
and nail me to the ground..
Making it so I can't move..
Like she did.
I'm scared you will push paper into my mouth
and money out of my pockets..
because thats what she did.
and so far your on the same paths
almost echoing her..
I'm freaking out..
Blanking out..
But I can't tell you because how do I explain that your slowly scaring the shit out of me?

Maybe its time to say goodbye
Just like I did before.