Broken Angel

Broken angel lying on the floor,
What’s the secretes you always hide?
Tell me, do you need to confide?

Broken angel, don’t cut yourself;
All you need is a little trust.
In this world you were thrust.

Broken angel, please don’t cry.
I swear I don’t mean to pry.
You’re in my arms, I hold you tight.

Broken angel, oh please don’t die!
If I kiss you better will you be fine?
You told me you found a knife in your spine.

Broken angel, tell me your life.
Pull through and I’ll call you my wife.
What happened to make you this way?

Broken angel, I need you to breathe.
I hate to see you heave.
I just need you to believe.

Broken angel, please don’t fly away.
I need you here, don’t go above.
Please don’t fly away like a white dove!