Everyone can see
But no one hears

They see the smiles
But not the tears
They hear the laughs
But not the fears

Everyone can see
But no one can hear

A dream starts everything
he dreams the fears and hears the tears

Everyone can see her
Only one can hear her

They see the smiles
but only one can see the tears
they hear the laughs
but only one can hear the fears

A door opens
She looks up
It like the dream but she cant be sour

she sees the glacier blue eyes
she hears the honey doe voice

He looks over
Their eyes lock and in that moment
she is no longer alone

the moment passes she looks down
hes engulfed by the crowed and joins the rest

Everyone can see
Only one can hear

They see smiles
Only one sees the tears
they hear the laughs
Only one hears the fears

Can he save her
Before its to late

He dreams her fears and tears
He sees her pain and joy
He can see the tears
He can hear the fears

He reaches out
Garbs her hand
He pules her out of the darkness

Everyone can see her
He is the only one that can hear her

They see the smiles
He sees the tears
The hear the Laughs
He is the only one that can hear her fears

Only one can see her
Only one can hear her