Angel Quotes

There are angels all among us
Sent Down from up above
To offer guidance and protection
And unconditional love

When we see a snow white feather
Resting on the ground
It surely is a sign
Our guardian angel is around

Although we may not see them
And they don't make a sound
Whenever they are needed
Our angel is around

A guardian angel walks with us sent
Sent from above
Their loving wings surround us
And enfold us with love

Trust in your guardian angel
And you will surely find that you'll feel loved
And protected and will have peace of mind

There is a guardian angel who's walking by your side
Who'll help in life's decision if you let her be your guide

If you choose to believe you'll soon have confirmation
That angels do exist for you'' be filled with inspiration

There's a guardian angel beside you every day if you trust in her
She'll take your hand and gently show the way

If we ask for our guardian angel in a thought
Or in a prayer to come and stand beside us
Our angel will be there

We all have a guardian angel sent down from above
To keep us safe from harm
And Surround us with their love

You should never feel alone
There's always someone to turn to it is the guardian angel
Who is watching over you

It only takes a thought and your angel will be there
For although you may not see them you're always in their care
♠ ♠ ♠
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