The Resistance

The world was once different, nicer.
The grass was a colour we once called green, now it is as black as night.
The birds would sing songs that would lift our hearts and make us smile.
Now they are mere bones.

The sun, ah the sun.
Once our most magnificent star.
It would shine, brightening and warming our days.
But it has disappeared behind a wall of darkened clouds.

Evil is what has plagued this Earth.
In the form of monsters we had once thought were myth.
The ones that would rise from graves,
The ones we call Zombies.

We laughed when we heard of the first killing,
A body that was found hollowed out was thought to have been a hoax.
But more empty bodies had appeared,
Life so horribly ripped away from them.

It didn’t take long for us to realize we were being overtaken.
The screams in the night still haunt our minds.
The army was called in, many armies.
Nothing could stop those Demons.

Quickly, too quickly, the world was taken from us.
With their rotting, yellowed hands they took it,
And ripped it apart, leaving nothing living,
Nothing breathing.

But they missed us.
And we’re still human.
We’re the ones trying to salvage all that’s left of humanity.
We are the fighters.

We’ve had many battles with the hell-bound creatures,
Fighting with nothing but knives, guns and baseball bats.
Red blood mixing with black,
They are always too strong, in strength and in numbers.

Like the Orcs in Lord Of The Rings,
But worse, so much worse.
We have found more humans.
With the bloodthirsty need to kill the Zombies.

If you are reading this, then find us, we may be your only hope.
Help us fight these brainless creatures,
Take back this planet to make it our own once again.
If you are lost then we will find you.

We are The Resistance.
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my more....dark poems. Enjoy!