Music before Love

You think that you make me happy?
When actually you make me feel crappy?

All of your promises have been broken
And you thought that was love and devotion?

I do not need you in my life
I can cut you out of me with a knife

I'm tired of all of the love I give
You are not the reason I live

Music is the air that I breathe
It is the emotion I ceathe

If you do not see that I do not need you
then why were you here to begin?
All I need to live is my music
So I become whole again

This poem might not make since to a lot of people, but my music is the only thing that makes me happy and keeps me going. I really don't need to be with someone to truly be happy. Although, that would be nice if I did find someone eventually. Moral of the poem is that Music is my life. without music, I am nothing.