Confessions Letter.

Truth be told, I'm always nervous around you.
My knees buckle and palms sweat.
My heart pounds and I can't breathe.
I catch myself daydreaming about you mutiple times a day.

Honestly, you are my everything; without you, there is no me.
Call it a cliche, call me an idiot.
I speak from the heart- not the mind.
I love you more than anyone has ever loved anything or anyone.
I consider myself lucky for a person like you in my life.

I admit we have our differences, however rare they may be.
We're able to not dwell on petty problems and let it destroy us.
Your smile brings the best in me; I can never frown when you're around.

No lie, I never wanna lose you, ever.
Even my darkest dreams are fairy tales compared to the nightmare of losing you.
Yes, I'm jealous.
Only because when someone even breathes wrong on your most prized possession, you wanna break their neck.

In all reality, I miss you every minute I'm not with you.
I love how your hugs make me safe.
It's relieving to know your kisses make everything better.
I guess what I'm confessing is you're the best thing to ever happen to me.
I wanna keep you in my life always and forever.

Pinky Promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
First poem ever posted to the public.
Yeah, it doesn't rhyme and it's unorganized, but whatever.