Look What Happens When You Trust

You come to me,
All sad and alone.
I’m there solitary, feeling at home.
Looks like your friends ditched you again.

Here I am, not ready to trust.
But into your world I am thrust.
Happy almost all the time,
Sadness was my old mime.

We’re together,
We made plans to live together.
In hope it’d be forever.
Friends till the end you said.

She wants you back,
Along with her childish pack.
You look at me with sadness.
You tell me you need to go.

Our friendship down the drain,
you can almost see the rain,
It’s ready to fall,
I see you in the hall.

A smile on your face,
You look into space.
Your old friends want you again,
no longer do you feel pain.

Here I am, what about me?
You just used me, I see.
I only ever wanted to be me.
I liked to sit in the corner;

Alone with a book in my hand,
Now I crave being your friend.
Hey, this wasn’t worth it in the end.
Do you want to know what I learned?

Never trust a person,
No matter the reason.
Don’t get attached,
Your friendship won’t get patched.

I honestly hope you’re happy,
Go ahead, watch a movie that is sappy!