The Reddest Rose

A rose is as red as the heart that encloses it.
Nothing can separate you from my love.
Your petals may fade from crimson to black,
But this racing heart will still beat for you.

Injecting the poison into your stem,
The pain inside consumes you.
It envelopes your pretty rose, and breaks my heart's shelter.
I can't save you if you won't let me.

What's it like hiding behind a mask?
You shine so bright, like the reddest of roses,
Yet you're as cold as ice deep inside.
Petals frozen in this stage of life, you're scared.
So you water yourself down with the worst toxins.

Let me help you bloom again.
You don't have to let yourself wilt.
One day you'll shine inside and out.
As you continue to wither away, just remember there is hope.
I'll be here every step of the way to wash away the poison.
You'll be the red rose I once remembered.
Don't give up, I'm here.