Daddy's visit.

Daddy came into my room.
He didn't knock on the door.
He didn't stop.
When I said no more.

Daddy took away my innocence.
Gave me a present.
One I rather not of had.
It felt so bad.

I cried and cried some more.
Wondering why he didn't knock on the door.
Daddy wouldn't stop till I was on the floor.
Crying hard screaming "No more!"

Mommy left earlier that day.
said she had some bills to pay.
I guess Daddy thought I needed pain.
outside, I hear rain.

Daddy made me bleed.
Said that I didn't need to read.
Told me I'm to smart.
Says I do to much art

Daddy yelled at me.
he smacked me.
and made me cry out.
Daddy never loved me or my work.

Daddy came to my room.
He didn't knock on the door.
He didn't stop.
As I screamed "No more!"